Yoga for the Perfectly Imperfect
Radiant Body Yoga is a holistic approach to yoga, which has its roots in the ancient Kundalini and Tantric traditions.
These practices are designed to awaken each practitioner to their higher nature through a potent combination of physical posture, breath work, kriya, meditation, and chanting to increase strength, build vitality and create mental clarity.

Benefits of yoga
Yoga can make you stronger and more flexible. It's a great way to stay limber and energetic. You'll also feel more focused and alert. And yoga can help you feel great and function better in your daily life.
Yoga can also help improve these conditions: Poor blood circulation • High blood pressure • Arthritis • Osteoporosis • Limited mobility • Lower back pain • Trouble breathing • Headaches • Tension or stress • Depression
Yoga's gentle movements are a big reason for why it’s so popular. Yoga is good for people who haven't been active in a while. You can change the exercises to fit your needs. But yoga is also great if you're already fit and want a challenging workout.
Yoga can help you:
Reduce your risk for injury. Each yoga pose targets specific muscles. This helps you increase your flexibility and reduce your risk for injury.
Reduce stress. Yoga can help soothe the mind and lower stress levels. It does this by focusing the mind on the moment and the movements.
Increase your concentration. A main part of yoga is rhythmic, focused breathing. This can help you focus.
Understand the mind and body connection. Yoga requires you to focus all your energy on each movement or pose exactly. This can help you feel the mind and body work together.
Gain strength and stamina. More vigorous styles of yoga promote strength and stamina.
Improve balance and stability. Balancing poses require you to use your core muscles. This can help you improve your overall stability.
Improve posture. Yoga poses strengthen and open tight areas of the body like the shoulders and muscles of the upper back. This can help you keep good posture.
Develop body awareness. Yoga requires you to contract or relax specific muscles as you stretch into each pose. This can help you become more aware of your body’s strengths and weaknesses.

Why Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini Yoga is called the Yoga of Awareness. It is a dynamic, powerful tool that is designed to give you an experience of your soul.
In Kundalini Yoga we harness the mental, physical, and nervous energies of the body and put them under the domain of the will, which is the instrument of the soul. This technology precisely and consciously combines breath, mudra, eye-focus, mantra, body locks, and postures to balance the glandular system, strengthen the nervous system, expand lung capacity, and purifies the blood. It brings balance to the body, mind, and soul.
Kundalini Yoga is yoga for householders, for people who have to cope with the daily challenges and stresses of holding jobs, raising families, and managing businesses. It is a path for everyone who wants the skills to cope successfully with the challenges of our times.
Hatha Yoga is a great way to work out kinks in the body, get grounded and calm. Kundalini Yoga practice is a place of transformation. The kriyas and meditations are much more specific than a regular flow class. Rather than focusing on physical alignment, the kriyas are a specific set of exercises that generate energy and organize energy into a specific state of consciousness — usually one involving a much greater degree of awareness. Also, within the practice are built-in moments of stillness where we sit quietly and awaken to our Self.
The breathwork within the kriyas is so powerful that it starts to strip away the layered veils of consciousness, and in the moments between poses, one can sense the fullness of who we are. The kriyas work on strengthening the nervous system, balancing the glandular system, purifying the body, and calming the mind.
Before practicing Kundalini Yoga, I tried doing some meditation, and it had always seemed elusive for me. Meditations within Kundalini Yoga are multifaceted. One can do the simplest forms, such as breath awareness or simple mantra, or explore more elaborate meditations with a specific breath, mantra, and mudra that all work together to balance different aspects of the mind and body. When practiced for 40–120 days, the result is pure magic.
Kundalini Yoga is not to be taken lightly. It is like an express train that shakes and wakes you up. I sincerely encourage you to have an experience of Kundalini Yoga for yourself. It will add depth to your existing practice and to your life.
Please contact me for an individual or group class.